[Drama Review] DECODED

So I came across this drama by chance, and I'm really glad that I watched it! I actually never had an experience with a Chinese periodic drama (this one is set around the 1950s), and I was really impressed with this one for a few reasons - which I will later discuss in detail.

Overall I have been quite impressed with the standard of dramas recently coming from China. And I cannot wait to binge watch even more after this one!

The story follows Rong Jinzhen, a math genius (he also might be autistic but it's never really discusses in the drama what condition he has) who is hired by the military to decode an impossible code. Throughout his training, he meets other comrades and becomes an integral part of 701 unit. The drama follows his journey in decoding this complex code, and how he is growing up to be a man (they also use the goat and wolf metaphors in the drama which I thought was really cute!).

I really have to say that even though the drama had 41 episodes, I was never bored throughout the entirety! It might seem slow at times, however, the storyline was really well formulated together. The scriptwriters didn't drag the drama on and on, and I did not find that there was any unnecessary scenes.

Now onto the reasons I really enjoyed this drama:

1. Father figures (Mentors)

As I mentioned earlier, the drama never really discusses what condition the main characters has, but the military lifestyle is not for him. He has numerous difficulties and hard time adapting to the situations, and this is where other main characters became father figures in the drama. They looked over the main characters, and tried to help him in many ways be it harshly or protectively.

I really liked this part of the characters! You might think it's typical for dramas, but I have never seen a drama where there are several father figures, and each of these characters acted differently towards the main character.

2. Friendship

A military drama wouldn't be any good without good friendship! Yeah, this didn't miss that either! The interaction between each character were differently and the friendship bonds were always tested. But don't worry, if wasn't like that someone was betraying another person, but more like the situation the team was in tested their friendship.

3. Plot twist

Oh boy! With the extensive amount of dramas I have watched, sometimes it's pretty easy to figure out the plot of a drama but in this one I was left unable to predict what would happen next.

4. Actors
I never really had the chance to see the actors in other dramas, but I thought they were really played well their character. I am definitely up for watching more dramas with them.

So if you have time on your hands during this Christmas, I really recommend watching this drama!! I'm off to binge watch more dramas~ woohoo!
