[Drama Review] My Runaway

The drama follows the story of Seo Yeon (played by Park Ji Yeon), who aims to become the next  top model, and Jin Wook (played by Kang Dong Ho), who is a top model with an attitude. As chance would have it, the two mysteriously swap bodies and discover the world of each other.

I was quite excited by this drama as I love the body swap dramas, however I did have doubts. There have been an overflow of this theme in recent years and haven't seen much creative writing with it. So I really hoped that this drama wouldn't disappoint, and it didn't! Even though, most of the bits related to the body swap were not original, other elements in the drama made me enjoy it!

Like for example, the friendship! Have to admit, that's the friendship goals you want to have. Really loved the relationship between Seo Yeon and Na Rae (best friend of Seo Yeon). Additionally, you cannot forget all the other characters (the model friends) that made the drama what it was.

Another element of the drama that made it stand out for me was the OVER cheesiness! Oh my god... I couldn't watch some of it! It was that embarrassing/cheesy but didn't avert me from watching the rest of the drama!

It's a light drama, and short as well. It was perfectly timed and scripted. Didn't really miss anything in particular, I think the only negative comment would be that I wanted a longer ending. 
