I am always skeptical about very popular dramas because sometimes they are overrated. But on the other hand, they are actually amazing. Goblin was the later for me for a number of reasons!
Now what really made me watch this drama was the over-parodied in 1N2D. I was so curious by the end that I had to watch it and it was a great decision on my part!
1. Creativity and storyline

Dramaland has everything... and most times the story lines are recycled none stop. However, I found that Goblin aimed to tap into a new area of fiction! Goblins are usually evil and mischievous, and it wouldn't be your first choice of character. But this drama was able to portray a not so liked character into one of the most favourable of all times.
And what not, if there is a goblin, then why not add gods and grim reapers to the pot. I really enjoyed that the writer added in characters which you wouldn't usually find in other dramas.
2. Comedy

I found that most of the drama was more on the comedy side rather than the dramatic one. Truthfully, I liked that. I always favour comedy over drama. Not much to say about this... it was funny to see how both the goblin and the grim reaper was learning about the modern world. In a way, it didn't really make sense because you would think they would know this as they have been around for 900 and 300 years respectively. However, in another way, it makes sense if they didn't interact with the world. Anyways, I still found it funny. Great interactions throughout the whole drama!
3. CG (also special effects)

Finally!! A drama where CG was acceptable! Apart from ghost dramas, previously I've seen fiction dramas where the CG was unacceptable and made me totally loose interest in the drama. The level of CG was so low that I had to abandon them.
However, here it was really nicely done. Great effects overall. Of course, you couldn't miss the funnier ones which seemed silly but hey, little bits of those is acceptable.
Bonus: Clothes
Now... I wouldn't especially add the clothes as one of the reason that made this drama... I just had to put it down. Some iconic looks have come out of this drama.
Here is one of my top choices:
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