The Boy Next Door

The Boy Next Door is a short web drama produced by Dingo, featuring Choi Wooshik and Jang Kiyong.

If you are not familiar with Dingo, well I'm not talking about the dog, but the creative mobile content station (you should check out their different Youtube accounts). From interviews to sketches, they have a lot of great content and The Boy Next Door is no exemption.

The web drama follows two guys who end up cohabiting, however the plot of the drama spans out from one misunderstanding to another, creating a great comedy act!

Unfortunately, if you guys were expecting a BL drama, then this is not it because exactly as I mentioned previously the plot is basically build up from one misunderstanding to another misunderstanding. And this misunderstanding is that the two guys are in a relationship. The plot follows their daily life putting little twists and turns along the way.

Of course, the additional background music definitely did not help to clear up these misunderstandings. It added to the storyline to help emphasises the little misunderstanding.

It was short and quick, and I would say that some writers should take example of this drama. Why? The plot was able to cover a quirky and funny story without the extensive need to prolong the drama with unnecessary parts. But I guess that's one of the great charms of web dramas!!

If you are looking for something short and funny, The Boy Next Door is definitely a must watch!
