Part of the Three Color Fantasy series, released by Naver, the drama features Yoon Shi Yoon as the main protagonist along with supporting actors Jo Soo Hyang and Kang Ki Young. The drama follows So In Seong (Yoon Shi Yoon) as he tries to pass the examination to become a policeman for the 8th time. Failing again and need of urgent cash, he takes a highly paid part time job called 'Experiment Full of Life'.
First of all, I was confused to start the drama because I had no idea exactly how many episodes it actually had or even if it was completely subbed. Be it 21 episodes, 6 episodes or 3 episodes, the drama is complete and subbed online. And it is self explanatory if you got to the very end. (I specifically watched the one where it had 6 episodes)
So as I started watching, it became obvious that what I was expecting was very different to what I was watching, in a good way of course. The plot took me by surprise! It was a nice twist to the often reoccurring failing exam and need of asap cash for obvious reasons. It was a nice simple plot, a quick drama perfect for those once off free days!
I really enjoyed Yoon Shi Yoon's acting, he has this cute charm that makes you want to pinch his cheeks. Especially, as the character really suited him! The drama was nothing without the side characters though, they really brought the story along as well.
Now I'm gonna go ahead to watch the two other dramas in the series, Queen of the ring and Star of the Universe!
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