Finally finished Water Boyy: The Series!

This was one of the Thai dramas I was dying to watch since its announcement. However, near the last few episodes, I was dreading to finish it. It literally took me months!

Before starting the drama, I did watch Waterboyy The Movie so I knew the storyline and how it should end as well. But certainly, the drama did differ from the movie. More details were added, which really enriched the storyline. However, it also changed the flow of the drama and each episode I didn't know what to expect. Even though I enjoyed some aspects of the drama like the supporting characters, however, I did feel that the drama drifted off many times from the actual plot.

Let's be honest I was confused! I certainly felt that the writers did not explore well the theory of sexuality. I mean we see gay couples, we see lesbian turned hetero/bi, etc. but... but...there was no progression at all or discovery about how the characters go through this process which I felt would have been a nice addition to the storyline. Though Thai dramas always have an acceptance around this topic, which I always appreciate and admire as you cannot see in other Asian dramas, this drama did not do a fair addition to this!

Overall it is a nice teen drama that anyone can enjoy and start a journey of watching Thai dramas! :)
